Backup Board of Adjustment material. See FULL document – quote is from page 2 of 13. A4207141
Letter from : Lorraine Atherton, 2009 Arpdale Ausitn TX 78704
Dated : August 5, 2016
” I have owned and occupied the property at 2009 Arpdale since 1983. The same deed restrictions that apply to my property apply to 2003 Aprdale. In 1939, those restrictions prohibited the use of any outbuildings as residences, and they are still in effect. I have not found any other properties in this subdivision in violation of that deed restriction”
Friends of Zilker looked for properties in Rabb Inwood Hills Subdivision (see deed restrictions and plat) . FOZ found at least a dozen houses with outbuildings being used as residencies. We included a list of those buildings in our letter to the BOA which can be viewed HERE in our letter of support for the applicant regarding the property.